An introduction to the Vaughan family

The continuing story of the Vaughan family

New Vaughan family tree

On the surname tree you can add your entire family - even when you are not sure whereabouts on the tree to place them.
Over time the relationships will be checked and provenance confirmed.

If you are not sure of dates, leave them blank for others to fill in.
If you are not sure of names they can easily be revised.

Add as many people to The Surname Tree as you can, including the email addresses of those who are still around.

All Vaughan family relatives welcome

Once you have built up a reasonable tree, invite the family in to help build up the family collection of photos, memorabilia, audio and video recordings.
Each of your relatives can then upload what they have to The Attic and give each document a basic label.
Anyone can then take anything out of The Attic, add a description or transcribe the document.
All transcribed documents are keyword searchable and are then kept in the family library.
Some documents are valuable. These can be seen by members of the family, but non-members, researchers etc need to pay a small fee to access them,
this fee contributing towards the upkeep of the account.

On this day

Once the initial enthusiasm has passed there will still be occasional new developments, interesting documents, more photos identified.
One of the best ways to reignite interest every few months is an On This Day email broadcast.
For example you may find that the centenary of the death of one of your relatives is approaching, you can prepare a short article and a link to the page, then broadcast it on the day to the family.
We have found this a very effective way of reminding people about The Surname Tree without having to market it.